
FIFA Football for Schools project to be launched on August 12

The Ghana Football Association in collaboration with FIFA has scheduled 10th -12th August for the
commencement of the FIFA Football for Schools project.
As part of the project, there will be training of selected PE Teachers from all the regions in Ghana by
FIFA Specialists as Trainee Trainers.
The trained teachers will then train other PE Teachers in their respective regions.

This follows the approval of the Ghana Football Association’s application for the FIFA Football for
Schools Programme for implementation in accordance with the necessary FIFA guidelines.

“After a thorough review of the documentation provided, the FIFA Football for Schools administration
has decided to approve your application to start implementing the programme in Ghana” said
Fatimata Sidibe, Director, FIFA Football for Schools.

The FIFA Football for Schools administration will work with the Ghana Football Association to
coordinate the release of the Football for Schools mobile app in Ghana, as well as to provide
appropriate training and capacity-building support for users (selected public schools in Ghana).

The Ghana Football Association is working with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of
Education on this programme to benefit students between the ages of 10 – 14 years.

The Association will also ensure that there is gender parity as all schools selected are mixed
schools. This programme will further support GFA’s project to introduce football to young girls as
early as possible to increase the participation of girls in football.

“The GFA is extremely happy that its application has received approval from FIFA. This programme
will benefit the Schools and Colleges as a member of the Association and a lot of PE Teachers and
students between ages 10 to 14. The GFA will continue to work assiduously with its partners, FIFA,
the Education Ministry and the Ministry of Youth and Sports to ensure the success of this excellent
programme” said President Kurt Edwin Simeon-Okraku.


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